
When this company began, the goal was clear: focus on upper limb prosthetic rehabilitation. But since most amputations are lower limb, our prosthetists and therapists had to rely on their experience to help our patients – very little data existed to show what best practices were for people with an upper limb difference. Over time, we have been able to create our own data that identifies how to improve prosthetic outcomes for those with an upper limb difference.

One of the major game changers for us was the work that we did at Walter Reed and Brooke Army Medical Centers. Since then, we have created several outcome measures that help us support prosthetic success for our patients.

So far, we’ve used these outcome measures internally, to help our patients become successful with their devices. But we want to share both the data and testimonials from our satisfied patients to show the Arm Dynamics difference and how we Redefine Possibility.

To start, we have determined that patients who have come to us from other providers are more satisfied with the Arm Dynamics care model. On the Satisfaction Likert Scale 1-5 (Dissatisfied to Satisfied) transferring patients rated us at an average of 4.7 compared to their previous providers, which they rated at 2.5.

Stats and Testimonials 1

When we break it down further, and ask our patients about our ability to optimize fit, training and instruction, and care and attention, our patients also rate us above other providers:

Stats and Testimonials 2

You can watch our patients talk about why they’re willing to travel to another city or state to receive our care in the video below:

Okay, so our patients like us and they like the care we provide (which we love!) but the real question is if they like their prosthesis – and, of course, if they use their device(s). Well, we have statistics on that as well. Our patients are more satisfied with the comfort, appearance, and function of our devices than that of other providers.

Stats and Testimonials 3

Those are the numbers we love to see, but let’s also hear from a satisfied patient. In this video, Shawn talks about why he loves his silicone sockets, which provide both comfort and function:

We also know that even if people are happy with their device, sometimes they still won’t wear it long-term unless they have one-on-one training in how to use their device. This is why we make sure that each of our patients receive training from our on-site therapists to learn how to use their device for everyday tasks and those that are relevant to their jobs and hobbies. In addition, our therapists can also help a patient experience less pain following an amputation. All this training and our pain mitigation efforts lead to patients who use their prostheses:

Stats and Testimonials 4

The statistics we’ve shared above are great to have and study, but the most important thing to us is our individual patients – this is why we celebrate them on our website in our Featured Patient Success Stories. One of our featured patients is Jason Koger, who we’ve spoken to about his experiences with us versus the provider he went to first:

“Before I visited my Arm Dynamics center, I had never worn a prosthetic more than three or four hours at a time before I needed to take it off for a break. And the very first time I was fitted by Rob, my Arm Dynamics prosthetist – when I flew home from Texas, that first day, I think I wore my arms for twelve hours or more. Even if you really like your prosthetist, and you get along with them, what they really need is experience. How many arms do they fit in a year?"

TrevorJason and his family

So what can we do for your patient or for you? Our goal is to provide the best quality upper limb prosthetic care based on our years of experience and our unique outcome measures. Our patient’s goals are also our goals – be those work, hobby or otherwise. We want to make sure every patient that walks in our doors walks out as a competent, confident prosthetic user. So tell us how we can help. Please use our Contact Us form, or leave a comment below.

For more information, see related Arm Dynamics articles here:


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