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We know this is a tough time in the United States and around the world. There are many people who are not currently willing or able to travel or enter a business except for when it is absolutely essential.

But what is essential? Groceries, of course. Getting some outdoor exercise, yes. And medical care. Receiving care from a prosthetist, therapist and their team is medical care. That is why our Arm Dynamics centers is considered an essential business, and why we continue to stay open for our patients and potential patients.

We asked our patient Michael to tell us about how he came to the decision to visit us during the COVID-19 pandemic. In the last week of April, Michael flew from his home in Arizona to our Southwest Center in Dallas to receive his partial hand prosthetic device. In the video below (lightly edited for length and clarity), Michael, a paramedic, will tell you all about his experience in our Dallas center keep in mind, though, that all patients at each of our locations across the United States are having similar experiences. We are taking precautions in every center, and you can read more about those specifics in our COVID-19 update.

Does any of Michael’s story ring true for you? One of Michael’s challenges was that he needed his prosthetic device to be able to get back to work. And he also spoke about his family needing him to get the device so they could heal. While it was a difficult decision for Michael and his family to make, they came to the conclusion that he could not wait for care. So, Michael took the necessary precautions to travel and visit us, and we made sure he was as safe as possible in our center.

If you have any questions about visiting our centers, we’d love to hear from you. If you would like to start the process of learning more about how we can provide you with the prosthetic care you need, but aren’t ready to travel or come into a center yet, no problem we offer remote visits.

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