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To celebrate Limb Loss and Limb Difference Awareness Month (LLLDAM), we asked Kristi and her daughter Aria to take over our Instagram account. Kristi has worked at Arm Dynamics for many years and has worn a prosthesis for most of her life.  We also wanted to make sure we celebrated with a special article for LLLDAM.

The photos below were taken by Kristi and Aria, who live in Nebraska, and are excited to give limb differences more representation!

Kristi was born with her limb difference and doesn't consider herself disabled. You can learn more about what it was like for Kristi growing up with a limb difference by reading our earlier interview with her in the Upper Limb Library. Kristi has contributed a lot of insight into our articles on raising children as a parent with a limb difference, and in our articles on babiestoddlers and school-age children

In 2015, Kristi took the momentous step of becoming a single parent when she traveled to China to adopt two-year-old Aria. Here is their first photo together:

Aria and Mom-China 2017 vertical

When Kristi first brought Aria back to her hotel, she was very careful to always wear her prosthesis around Aria. "I was nervous about having a limb difference and concerned that it would scare her and would be a barrier between us. I wore my prosthesis around her for the first week. The second week, I wasn't as meticulous about making sure it was on. While my prosthetic arm was off and lying on a table, Aria saw it and brought it to me so I would put it on. So cute! She has never cared that I wear a prosthesis."

Aria is nine years old now, and she and Kristi do a lot of everyday things and special things together: 

It's lovely having Kristi as part of the Arm Dynamics team. Not only is she great at her job, it's wonderful to have her perspective as someone with a limb difference.

Be sure to check out our past Limb Loss and Limb Difference Awareness Month articles from 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023.

If you or someone you know is considering prosthetic care and would like a complimentary consultation with our clinical team, either in-person or via video chat, please contact us. Kristi has benefitted from years of our upper limb expertise, including our silicone sockets and commitment to a perfect fit. If you have any comments for Kristi and Aria, please leave them below.


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