You may not know this, but our Arm Dynamics team has an incredible duo that produces our videos: Bob and Sherri. The video below is one of this author’s favorites, because it shows that people with an upper limb difference don’t let anything stop them from both the extraordinary and the everyday.

Let’s go through the video and make sure that you know how all those things are possible and which prosthetic devices are used. Please keep in mind that in this video, we feature higher-level upper limb prosthesis users if you are looking for more information about finger and partial hand prostheses, please check out our article, “Finger and Partial Hand Devices in Action.” We hope that you feel inspired to meet your goals by watching our patients meet theirs!

Donning Your Prosthesis

First up, we see Jason, who has a bilateral amputation, donning his myoelectric prostheses. Learn more: Donning and Doffing Your Upper Limb Prosthesis.

Putting on Clothes/Zipping Up Jackets

Jason then zips up his jacket. Learn more: Clothing Options for People with an Upper Limb Difference.

Jason Zipping

Drinking Coffee

Next up, Shaholly, who has a congenital limb difference, having a nice cup of coffee on the beach, using her multi-articulating myoelectric hand. Learn more: Eating When You Have an Upper Limb Difference.

Getting Kids to School

Say hi to Mandie, who is getting her daughter off to school using her myoelectric hand. Learn more: Parenting When You Have a Limb Difference: School-Age Children.

Hair Styling

Here is Angel, curling her hair using her myoelectric hand. Learn more: Life Hacks for People with Upper Limb Loss.

Rock Climbing

Now that we’re done getting ready, let’s get out! Check out Brian, who retired from the army. He sustained a below-elbow amputation. Brian uses as an activity-specific prosthesis to pursue his hobby. Learn more: An Introduction to Activity-Specific Prostheses.

Getting Jobs Done

Michael needs both his body-powered and his myoelectric devices to work as an independent contractor in heating and air conditioning installation. Sometimes his body-powered is best, but when he’s in a tight space and can’t maneuver well, his myoelectric is indispensable. Learn more: Using a Prosthesis on the Job.

Michael Dunn working on AC unit in attic


Let’s catch up with Sherri on her Vespa. Sherri has a congenital above-elbow limb difference, and a very rare prosthesis, which uses suction to stay on instead of a harness. Learn more: Driving After Upper Limb Loss.

Playing With and Taking Care of Pets

Justin is a bilateral amputee who lost his arms when he was electrocuted while working as a lineman. Learn more: Being a Pet Owner When You Have an Upper Limb Difference.

Paddle Boarding and Other Water Activities

Tom is a very active and outdoorsy guy, whose hand had to be amputated after a wakeboarding accident. Here he is wearing an activity-specific device. You can also see our patient Wendi paddle boarding in the picture below. Learn more: Waterproof and Water-Resistant Upper Limb Prostheses

Wendi Parker on Stand Up Paddleboard

Photography and Other Hobbies

Ryan has a below-elbow limb difference and enjoys a variety of hobbies, which he pursues with the support of his prosthesis. Learn more: Hobbies When You Have a Limb Difference.


Sky became a below-elbow amputee after an ATV accident in 2012, but if you think that’s stopped him from welding using his activity-specific device, you’d be wrong! Learn more: Heavy-Duty Activities When You Have an Upper Limb Difference.


Michael is a retired Army staff sergeant who was injured in Afghanistan. Michael was determined to ride a bike, and so his prosthetist and technician built him an activity-specific device. Learn more: Riding a Bicycle When You Have an Upper Limb Difference.

Staff Sgt. Michael Kacer (RET) on his bike in Washington, DC with his custom activity-specific prosthesis


As our video approaches the dinner hour, we find Eduardo in the kitchen. While you can see Eduardo using a multi-articulating myoelectric hand, he generally prefers to cook (on TV!) with his body-powered device. Learn more: Cooking with an Upper Limb Prosthesis.

Playing at the Playground and at School

Lexi has a congenital limb difference and a single-motor myoelectric hand that allows her to climb at the playground and at school. She also has an activity-specific device for playing soccer. Learn more: Going to School with an Upper Limb Difference.


Just like Lexi, Amber has a congenital limb difference. While she has several different attachments for her activity-specific device, in this video, she’s using one that’s great for gymnastics. Learn more: Terminal Devices for Babies, Children and Adolescents.

Shooting and Hunting

Here is Jason again, this time wearing his body-powered prostheses to practice shooting at an indoor range. Below is Jason hunting outdoors. Learn more: Hunting with an Upper Limb Prosthesis.

Jason Koger BP-2


One of the most popular videos on our YouTube channel features Max. He has a congenital limb difference, and decided he wanted to become a personal trainer. The challenge was that as someone with only one arm, he was unbalanced during his workout, which caused him discomfort. With his activity-specific device, Max can now workout without pain. Learn more: Weightlifting with an Upper Limb Prosthesis.


We have to tell you: Jason is a really active guy, who is always happy to help us with photo shoots and show all the things he is capable of as a bilateral prosthesis user! Here he is bowling while wearing an activity-specific device. Learn more: Bowling When You Have an Upper Limb Difference.


For our final activity, Tom’s back, and he’s in the water again! Tom is using an activity-specific device to hold the fishing rod. Learn more: Fishing with a Prosthesis.

Tom Seibert Social

Phew! Whether you’re trying to get through a routine day of work and home life, pursuing a hobby, or trying a new activity, a prosthesis can help keep you balanced and in control. And you don’t need to worry about figuring out how to use these devices our clinical therapy specialists will be there to guide you. They use the time that’s built into our Comprehensive Accelerated Fitting Process™ to teach our patients how to use their devices to do the things they want to do.

If you or someone you know is interested in being fit with a prosthesis so they can pursue their goals, please contact us. If you would like to leave a comment, please do so below.


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